Do you wanna learn how to get in shape without a gym? Have you ever felt bad when you see yourself in a mirror? Are you too skinny or you have a large belly? You are not in shape? You feel bad going out? You can’t go to the gym too? A lot of people struggle with problems like this. In this post, you will find out all the answers too.
Use the 21/90 rule: It takes 21 days to create a habit. It takes 90 days to create a lifestyle. Learn how to get in shape without a gym with this easy guide. Click To TweetEveryone is so busy nowadays at work and they have no time for themselves. If you want to be fit and you want a perfect body shape, but you have no time or no resources for the gym, don’t worry.
The gym is not the only solution. If you have determination you can do anything, the resources do not matter. You will find out the way you can do home-based exercise and daily routine habits which will help you to get a proper and perfect body shape without going to the gym in no time. But everything takes time.
How to Get in Shape Without a Gym: Easy Ways
The following ways will help you to gain a perfect body mass and shape. All you need is determination because determination matters even if there isn’t anything.
Strength training
Your day one should be of strength training. In this, you can perform many exercises. These includes:
- Kneeling leg raises (lift your leg towards the ceiling, while trying to keep your toes pointed straight)
- Fire hydrant (it burns your hips fats)
- Keeling left lift (lift down your chest and your leg should be towards the ceiling)
- Squats
- Side lunges.
- Chair dips.
Focus on your hamstrings, glutes and upper portion of the body. Make them strong.
You have to do 15 reps and 2 sets of each above-mentioned exercises. These all are home-based. It requires only your time and motivation, not any other thing.
The following exercise is very important for you.
- Running (2 minutes)
- Butt kicks (1 to 30 seconds)
- Alternating arms plank (1 minute)
- Bicycle crunches (1 minute)
- Do them 3 times.
- Donkey kicks (1 minute)
- Fire hydrants (1 minute)
- Do them 3 times.
- Mountain climbers (1 minute)
- Burpies (30 seconds)
- Do them 3 times.
- Arm dips (1 minute)
- Pushups (30 seconds)
- Squats (1 minute)
- Step back lunges (30 seconds each leg)
- Do them 3 times.
Make a home-based gym
It sounds so weird but it is not. A home-based gym means you go to the market and buy dumbbells, ropes, rods, and some basic equipment. These are easily available in the market and also these are cheap and affordable. Yoga mat and kettle balls are very important too.
Take 1 hour out of your day to perform these exercises. You can do weight lifting, arms and shoulders, chest and abs exercises for these dumbbells and weights. These will save your time going to the gym.
Walking and running
If you want to go to a place and that place is 2 miles away from your house, do not use any help (car, bike, public transport). Go and walk or run to that place. It will build your stamina too.
Try to go on a morning walk. It burns your extra fats. It balances the body contents. These little daily routine things will help you to get a better shape. If you find any difficulty doing these or you are not getting any motivation, grab your headphones, play a song and measure your time and distance. You will start liking it.
Walking over the stairs
If you live in a building apartment on the higher floors, start using the stairs. It has many benefits you cannot even imagine. It makes your hips and legs much stronger. You get the potential and stamina for a longer period. When you sweat, you are burning the toxic fats of your body.
Drink water
So many people drink sodas, alcohol, coffee, and sometimes we forget to consume water. Water has many benefits and it also has many benefits in getting body shape. All you have to do is.
- Take water.
- Add some honey.
- Add some lemon juice.
Drink this every morning and it will help you in a healthy weight loss, makes your joints better, lubricate your muscles and bones and provides them a greater surface area to work.
Good food, good shape
Only the exercises are not enough to get a proper shape at home. You have to check and see what you are eating. Calculate the calories and eating according to your body needs. Maybe try a new diet like a vegan diet. It will help you to be in perfect shape because it does not have any fats and cholesterol. You will be safe from many serious disorders too.
If you struggle with your food cravings, check my post on how to stop them.
Household items
All your day, try to pick up heavy things or the things that push some pressure on your muscles. Do all your domestic work by yourself. Do not take any help.
Activate yourself and do not sit and watch TV for a long time because it is scientifically proven that those who watch TV for 3 hours a day are likely to increase their body weight by 50%.
Make your goals
Grab some notes and a pencil. Write down the goals that you have to:
- Lose your weight.
- Become healthy and strong.
- Eat healthily.
- Build muscles.
- What you gonna do on a daily bases?
- Plan your day the night before.
- Avoid screens at night.
After that make a plan for about 30 days. Paste that on any wall or your refrigerator. So, you get to see it every time you pass from that place.
Weight Loss Program
If you struggle to lose weight and you are a woman, then you must follow this method that is made for women only.
Sarah managed to lose 48 pounds, and the program is designed for women hormones and women’s bodies.
Click here to check out the free presentation.
For men, Leptitox is the best method you can try, and you check the free presentation by clicking here.
The results are stunning and 1000s of people already tried the methods above and lose weight naturally without going to the gym.
Conclusion: How to Get in Shape Without a Gym
Strive for progress, not perfection. Check this article on how to get in shape without a gym! Click To TweetMaking your body in perfect shape is not an accessory but it is the necessity. If you do not care for yourself, you will regret one day. None of us wants that to happen. So, the conclusion is that you have to work on yourself every day and to be a better and fitter then you were yesterday.
Hopefully, you enjoyed this blog post on how to get in shape without a gym and what regular things you can do to get fitter. If you enjoyed reading, share this post on your favorite social media accounts. 🤗